The principle of the golden section
According to the golden ratio principle , the ideal proportions are determined by dividing the face with four parallel lines:
Along the upper edge of the forehead
Along the eyebrow line
At the base of the nose
At the bottom of the chin
The resulting proportions should be equal in height.
Stages of the procedure:
1. Acquaintance with the client (presence of contraindications (client agreement), determination of skin color, facial proportions, etc.).
2. Drawing a "sketch", taking into account the features of the face and the wishes of the client (sitting).
3. Anesthesia.
4. PM procedure (during the procedure, after the first pass, we apply secondary anesthesia).
5. We clean the client's skin, using massage lines.
6. We inform you about post-procedural care (memo).
PM eyebrows gives a special velvety, expressive eyebrows, it seems as if they are lined with shadows. As a rule, this technique is used to correct an unsuccessful eyebrow correction or improve one's own shape.
PM allows you to make the eyebrow longer, lift the head, accentuate the curve, make the tone more natural and expressive. The effect lasts from 9 months to 3 years, depending on the amount of pigment introduced into the skin.
Creating a sketch of eyebrows: work on 5 points
The correct construction of the eyebrow sketch is one of the most important stages of the permanent eyebrow makeup procedure and, a priori, the necessary skill for each eyebrow artist.
To achieve a successful result, the master must be a makeup artist, an artist, and a psychologist at the same time. In this article we will try to tell you about all the subtleties of building a universal sketch of symmetrical eyebrows.
Saying "universal", any master should understand that this technique is suitable for drawing symmetrical eyebrows on any face. At the same time, once again we want to draw attention to the fact that only by automating the drawing of a universal sketch, you will be able to create individual sketches for each of your clients, taking into account the features of the face shape and the client's wishes to create harmonious eyebrows. But this is the next step in working on eyebrows.
At the initial stage – only geometry! All masters, especially beginners, should remember that you should not chase fashion trends and impose the currently popular eyebrow shape. After all, the eyebrows you created will be with the client for quite a long time and he should be comfortable in this image. And classics, as you know, are always in fashion.
How to mark up an eyebrow sketch
And now we recall the course of school geometry. Building eyebrows on points is the most effective way to create harmonious eyebrows.
We outline 5 main points.
1. The starting point of the eyebrow body. To find it, we apply a pencil parallel to the nose so that it passes through the teardrop.
2. The point of fracture of the eyebrow. This point can be found in two ways: with wide—set eyes, we apply a pencil to the wing of the nose and draw a line through the pupil; with narrow-set eyes, through the iris.
3. The outer corner of the eyebrow. One edge of the pencil touches the wing of the nose, the second one passes through the outer corner of the eye.
4. The lower eyebrow line. Visually move the eye up. We measure the desired width of the eyebrow and draw two parallel lines from the head to the point of fracture, and then they narrow and go into a bend. Here it is important to observe one important rule: the tail of the eyebrow should never fall below this line!
5. The starting point of the eyebrow (the head of the eyebrow). This point is formed depending on the type of face. We retreat from the first point towards the bridge of the nose from 0.1 to 1 cm . This zone should always be soft, without clear lines. Another important rule: you can not radically go beyond the hair growth zone.
How to make symmetrical eyebrows
After you have completely drawn one eyebrow, you need to create a symmetrical second one. Here we must not forget that in nature, in principle, absolute symmetry is rare and human eyebrows are no exception.
The main thing in permanent makeup is that the new eyebrows do not emphasize the existing natural asymmetry, but compensate for it if possible. Masters should try to see that golden mean in the shape of the arrangement of the eyebrows and preserve (or create the missing) harmony of the face as a whole.
This is very difficult, and is due to the fact that there may be several criteria for making a decision, and sometimes they may contradict each other.
You only need to create a sketch in a sitting position! Otherwise, there may be serious errors in symmetry.
Types of facial asymmetry in the shape of eyebrows
Masters of permanent makeup most often meet with the following types of facial asymmetry, working with the shape of the eyebrows:
the middle line of the bridge of the nose is shifted to one eye;
the bridge of the nose is inclined to the right or left;
the brow ridges have different relief;
the eyes are located at different levels in relation to the horizon line;
the transition from the frontal bone to the temporal bone has a different steepness on the right and left.
In addition, the difficulty of assessing the symmetry of the eyebrow sketch may be due to the different height of hair growth on the right and left eyebrows.
Drawing a sketch of eyebrows
The main criterion for the quality of permanent makeup services is the aesthetic and moral satisfaction of the client from the achieved result. This can be achieved only due to the joint work of the master and the client.
A sketch is a clear vision of the boundaries of future work, convenience for the master, it is work without fear of losing important points under the influence of an anesthetic.
The sketch is the client's peace of mind, because the client must see how the healed tattoo will look, that is, already at this stage, the client should be able to present the future permanent makeup as accurately as possible and evaluate its aesthetic characteristics.
To design the borders of the sketch, you can use a white wax pencil or a concealer. It is better to draw the eyebrow itself with a cosmetic pencil of the desired shade (trying to accurately convey the shade and brightness of the healed eyebrows). After approving the sketch with the client and before applying anesthesia, it is recommended to put important points of the sketch with a permanent marker to fix permanent makeup.
Depending on the hair color, it is recommended to adhere to the following recommendations:
Brown-haired women are optimally suited to chocolate and coffee colors, as well as their various shades.
Red and blond — a warm color of a red-brown scale.
Girls with light brown hair are best suited for gray-brown shades.
Gray and brownish shades are best combined with gray hair.
PM technicians. Eyebrows
Choosing the technique of applying PM from a variety of types, the master should know what the result will be. He chooses the appropriate option depending on the characteristics of the skin type, face shape and the wishes of the client.
Among the wide variety of eyebrow techniques , the following methods should be highlighted:
1. Hair technique. With the help of the device, the master applies small strips of different shades with a dye. The traced strokes imitate hairs of different lengths, creating the most natural effect. Suitable for owners of rare and shapeless eyebrows.
2. Shadow shading is a technique whose main feature is the creation of a natural eyebrow shape. Suitable for girls whose eyebrows are thin and sparse or they are practically absent. The peculiarity of this technique is the ability to choose several options: soft shading, dense or 3D.
3. Powder technique. It is a spot application of pigment without clear lines and a defined contour. In this version, the eyebrows look as voluminous and natural as possible. Make-up in the spraying technique remains in the upper layers of the skin, that is, the procedure is carried out painlessly. After restoration, the hairs do not shine, but become matte, with the effect of using decorative powder.
4. Obmre is a technique with a soft transition from a natural shade at the bridge of the nose to a more intense one at the tips of the eyebrows. Suitable for owners of sensitive and oily skin. Spot application adds saturation to the eyebrows with neatly outlined smooth transitions. The result of tattooing does not look blurry on oily skin.
5. Nano-spraying allows you to fill voids and add density to eyebrows. In the process of work, the dye is broken into small splashes, creating a natural shadow on the eyebrows that will reach the owners of thin light skin and inconspicuous light eyebrows with an unexpressed contour.
Correction is a process during which the result obtained after the main PM procedure is perfected.
The correction procedure should be carried out no earlier than in a month. It is during this period of time that the damaged epidermis is completely restored and the skin heals. Correction carried out earlier than the above deadlines may cause additional traumatization, thereby not improving, but worsening the initial result.
It should be understood that the first procedure is an "acquaintance" with the skin (the same pigment lies on different skin and is fixed in different ways), the skin is an organ that is heterogeneous in color, thickness and density, so after the first procedure, the effect may be slightly different than planned. The correction makes the color more uniform, and the result is more stable and lasting in time.
Correction is designed to:
- eliminate possible color gaps;
- achieve the necessary color saturation by increasing brightness;
- correct and improve the form.
Full recovery of the skin after the procedure occurs after 28 days.
We take care of the skin after correction
Special attention should be paid to skin care after correction. Since the correction according to the principle of execution is the same as the first main procedure, the skin is repeatedly injured. She needs care that will be similar to how it was performed after the first session.
The difference in care lies only in the fact that during the correction, the eyebrows are refined in sections, so not the entire tattoo area is injured. Consequently, the skin will heal faster. Nevertheless, care is needed and it should be taken as seriously as before.
Within 3-7 days after the permanent makeup procedure, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules for skin care.
General recommendations after the procedure:
do not wet the area of the permanent makeup procedure during the day
, do not remove the resulting crusts and peeling, they should come off by themselves
During the HEALING PROCESS after the procedure, it is prohibited:
to steam in the sauna
to sunbathe / visit the solarium
to swim in reservoirs /pools
cosmetic procedures
Not recommended:
the use of decorative cosmetics in the field of permanent makeup
to use wound healing drugs
to accelerate the falling off of crusts
to use cosmetics in the field of permanent makeup
the use of greasy creams
when lymphatic fluid is released, wipe the permanent makeup area with chlorhexidine 2-3 times a day for the first day.
Why is eyebrow tattoo care so important?
All PM techniques involve injury to the dermis (even the most popular "powdery eyebrows"). In the process of tattooing, a thin needle is inserted into the upper layers of the skin, resulting in its thinning, vulnerability. Micro wounds are formed, through which infection can get if you do not take care of the skin after the procedure.
Hygiene is one of the important requirements. if you treat it negligently, the consequences are unpredictable. In the best case, the effect of permanent makeup will change, it will become ugly, the pigment may completely or partially come out, go in spots, lose its shade. At worst, an infection will be introduced, which will cause redness, suppuration and other negative reactions of the body. That's why care is so important.
The primary care is provided by the master immediately after the procedure, applying a healing antibacterial agent to the area. Next, he advises on the care of the client.
Note that care is an individual issue, it depends on the body's reaction to the eyebrow tattoo procedure itself. Sometimes the master may recommend doing nothing at all with the skin during its recovery, and sometimes he will make a list of actions and means that need to be used for a certain period of time. The key task is to follow all the actions recommended by the master.
Proper eyebrow care after tattooing = perfect result. The master is responsible for the quality of the PM, the shape and color of the eyebrows. But as soon as the client leaves the PM studio, all responsibility for all actions is further shifted to his shoulders.
In order for the eyebrows to be beautiful, the client must follow the recommendations of the master. Do not self-medicate. If an individual reaction of the body appeared in the form of allergies, redness, swelling, or an infection was introduced and suppuration formed, the client must consult a doctor and notify the master.
At the stage of skin care after permanent eyebrow makeup, it depends only on the client what the result will be.